Sunday, February 24, 2008


Very happy now! whoopee! whoopee! whoopee! (Maybe that was a little overboard...)
Murfy is home! A day early!
Murfy is my new guinea pig, and he is adorable! and healthy! and Happy! and Sweet! and Piggy!
no seriously, he loves his hay. Eaten almost all of it now.. And he's drinking his water. I'm realizing just how loud his water bottle is. I am thinking if I got him a bowl, though, it'd cramp his cage and he would probably sit in it. Which would be cute, but unsanitary.
But Cute!
and he'd probably defecate in it.
ah well..
I'll have pictures up in a bit, after he has settled in a wee bit.

Saturday, February 23, 2008


*frustrated screech*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I have been to petsmart three, count them THREE times in the last week to try and adopt a guinea pig. First time was on tuesday night. The lady there said that as they had just gotten them in, they would have to keep the pigs in a room for three full days to make sure that they were healthy.
Okay. I get that.
Then the lady said that the pigs would be out on friday.
Alrighty then, I'll be back on friday!
Friday rolls around, and no guineas. The lady whom I talked to before got her dates screwed up, and so the guineas were ACTUALLY coming out on Saturday.
I was a little annoyed at this, but the lady said she would hold this really cute dalmatian one for me, and I found some good food bowls, so the trip wasn't waisted.
Today is Saturday. I went into Petsmart after a long day of snowboarding, and first of all there was no ne there to help me out. So after hunting down a store associate, He went back to get my piggie, and I thought, Okay, everything is actually going to work out this time.
He comes back holding my piggie in a box and produces some forms for me to sign. So I took the clipboard and proceeded to sign my name. Then he looked at me and was like, "Your eighteen, right?"
Damn it.
he voice inside my head was like, "Do I look eighteen, dumbass? Of course not! Doesn't mean I'm not responsible!" My outer voice was like, "no..."
He looked over at Patrick. "Is he?" Patrick shook his head.
"Well you've got to be eighteen to buy him."
OMIGOD! I swear, I am not destined to have this animal. So he walks over to some evil looking wench and confirms that someone has to be eighteen or over to sign on the form thingy.
SO, they are going to hold my poor little guy until Monday when Mom and Dad get back, so that they can come in and sign a god damn piece of paper. I swear, if the sell him buy them, I am going to scream. Anywhoo, evidently Kids aren't responsible or else people simply assume that we are idiots.

Thursday, February 21, 2008


Like seven in the morning, we, (yes us in podunk idaho), got the aftershock of a 6.0 earthquake that hit Wells, NV. It was exceedingly creepy. Mom and Dad were just leaving for their Yellowstone christmas trip and me and Patrick had got up to say good bye, and all of a sudden the fans and lights an the fountain behind Dad all began to shake. I origanally thought that a bird or someting was in the fountain, 'cause thats what I noticed first, but then I ntoiced the fan and fridge, (which was vibrating most creepily). I don't like that! We live in Idaho, were not supposed to get earthquakes! I'm glad that my friends whom lived in Wells for a time moved into Twin last year...

Downtown Wells

Friday, February 15, 2008

At work

My Mother is at the other counter immatateing the old owners laugh. It looks somewhat like a donkey throwing up.

On another note, I have gotten back into poetry, although it is doubtfull I wil win. I enjoy writing things like that, even if they are more rhymes than 'poems'. Ah well... I am trying this new experiment about writing a story that is in sets of four line rhymes. It is quite cool really! It takes me a while to write a set of rhymes, a rhyming dictionary would probably help that. I still need to get the hang of using one. It's weird, I have to look up the sound of a word instead of the word itself. Anyway, I must go and eat lunch before I drop dead..