Sunday, March 28, 2010


i'm growing up. As in, planning. I'm going to sell the Bug and get a better (hopefully automatic) car, and get a second job come fall (cause I really don't want to have to take out a loan. D: ) And then take some more courses in the spring, and then prolly move out in the summer.


Then I'm going to get used to living on my own...

Then me and Carolyn and Shan (if they want to) might move in with eachother for a while. Hopefully. *crosses fingers*

but yeah. When I move out, I'm thinking I'm going to have to have a roommate. I would go loony in a apartment all by m'self. Y'know?

Augh! So much to think about! Insurance and roommates and cars and learning to drive and growing up and travelling and potential boyfriends and- wait what? Boyfriends? Oooooohhh!!